Subject: CAcert Code Development list.
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- From: Jan Dittberner <jandd AT>
- To: cacert-policy AT
- Cc: Eva Stöwe <eva.stoewe AT>, Martin Gummi <martin.gummi AT>, Benny Baumann <benbe AT>, Felix Dörre <felix AT>, cacert-devel AT
- Subject: Jenkins setup for great good :-)
- Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 16:34:34 +0100
I setup a Jenkins [1] instance [2] that can be used for building policy
documents and perform other automated tasks (CCing cacert-devel to make the
developers aware). The first job of Jenkins is a build job for the policy
build tool by Felix Dörre [3] that was created in parallel to my previous
idea with Sphinxdoc and makes plain text policies even easier.
I added Martin and Benny as Jenkins admins and created an account for Eva
too (you get initial account information via private mail). I setup Jenkins
to allow new user registrations [4] so that all interested people can get
read access. When you need more permissions you can just send a mail to
jenkins-admin AT
The next step should be to define the workflow that we want to build there.
My idea is something like this:
1.) Manage the policy source text files in either SVN or Git (should be
decided by the people that will work on the policy texts)
2.) Create a Job that looks for changes in the repository from step 1 and
builds the HTML representation with Felix' tool
Jenkins allows viewing of the build results in a browser so this might
be sufficient for snapshots of the generated policy documents.
3.) Setup an additional Jenkins job that allows a one (or two) click
publication of a chosen policy document to the target (to be decided
but my impression is that git publication to a separate subdomain like on webstatic would be easy). That Jenkins job would
be the official "ceremony" to publish policies and should be executed by
the policy officer.
Do you agree with this idea and should I / we continue with such a setup?
Best regards
Jan Dittberner - CAcert Infrastructure Team
Software Architect, Debian Developer
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- Jenkins setup for great good :-), Jan Dittberner, 02/05/2015
- Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-), Benny Baumann, 02/06/2015
- Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-), Ian G, 02/06/2015
- Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-), Alex Robertson, 02/06/2015
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