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cacert-devel - Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-)

Subject: CAcert Code Development list.

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Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-)

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alex Robertson <alex-uk AT>
  • To: Ian G <iang AT>, Jan Dittberner <jandd AT>, cacert-policy AT
  • Cc: Eva Stöwe <eva.stoewe AT>, Martin Gummi <martin.gummi AT>, Benny Baumann <benbe AT>, Felix Dörre <felix AT>, cacert-devel AT
  • Subject: Re: Jenkins setup for great good :-)
  • Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2015 19:16:58 +0000

On 06/02/2015 10:16, Ian G wrote:

Personally I would be very cautious about separating policy into "source" and "HTML". I don't see the need, and there are good reasons not to do this. Boring as it may seem, primitive as it may seem, we are trying to achieve "nothing up our sleeves" with policy which means there is a benefit in working in raw HTML.

Whilst it is no longer a "contract", I'd suggest that it needs to be clarified exactly what the "binding" document actually is - it is possible that the manipulation of text as being discussed may create inconsistencies. It's probably of limited import except to arbitrators - but.....

I'd prefer this approach (ie bare html) until/unless this is clarified....


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