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cacert-policy - Re: confusion on Greek name

Subject: Policy-Discussion

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Re: confusion on Greek name

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "J. Steijlen" <j.steijlen AT>
  • To: cacert-education AT, cacert-policy AT
  • Cc: victor AT
  • Subject: Re: confusion on Greek name
  • Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 23:27:09 +0100

I also assured this person. (Or tried to at least.)
Similar to Victor I too am undecided.

Relaxed rules allow simplification of special characters. For example by simply dropping accents and such, or transliterating. (e.g. "Ä" -> "A" or "AE")
Luckily passports provide a Machine Readable Zone with a properly mapped version of the applicants name in Latin script.
(Note, that this not always a holy mapping. There are countries where the mapping depends on where & who does the mapping, day of the week/month, time of day, just before versus just after the coffee-break and (not very Politically Correct, I know) whether the official has gotten lucky recently or not. Greece to my knowledge is not one of those, still it's something to keep in the back of our minds.)

The surname, as Victor mentions, is mapped on the passport as "K***y****". And not "K***i****".
I know Ypsilon and Iota are pronounced the same in Greece, and a quick verification with the aid of a third assurer corroborated that.

What we're discussing however is not so much a transliteration/mapping issue as an Anglicisation.
As evidenced by the given name, which when shortened would read "Nik" and was given as "Nick". Notice the introduced "c".

Greetings Joost

On 5 February 2013 22:25, <victor AT> wrote:
dear all,

last Sunday I attended FOSDEM and also assured some people at the CAcert stand.
One of the visitors was Greek, and had a difference in spelling in his name.

His CAcert account name states K***i****
and his passport showed K***y****

While he commented lightly on it ("the Greek alphabet maps in multiple ways, no
big deal") I am not sure what to do.

Can any of you shed some light on this matter?

Thanks in advance,
with kind regards,


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