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Subject: CAcert System Admins discussion list
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- From: Ian G <iang AT>
- To: CAcert System Administrators <cacert-sysadm AT>
- Subject: vienna #1 progress
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:25:26 +0100
- Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.i= AT; dkim-asp=none
I got a progress report from the sonance team last night on the Vienna1 machine for infrastructure VMs. Written up here:
Availability looks like end-Jan. Below are more live minutes from the Sonance meeting, for gossip value.
Machine is running!
* How much did we spend: euros 267 for 2 x hard drives 750G + 8G RAM
* donated mobo
* 4 x net card NIC has to be purchased? will look. 7 euros each
* Resolved, (Sonance) to pay up to 300 euros to Matthias Gassner for the above costs. All Aye.
* 80 hours invested so far by MG.
* (Oliver starts when the apps software is installed.)
new host is christened "muppet".
* Host is installed: debian, latest stable release 64bit.
* (VMs can be 32 bit or 64 bit).
* intended to set up puppet.
- has a markup language to control and install tools and services.
* 3 VMs installed with CentOS.
* CentOS is a RedHat Clone
- has the web management panel we need to replace ISPman,
- (ISPman is the older management of services tool for Sonance)
* management tool
- is multi-user / multi-server
- all new to us ... was a commercial project. company crashed with a security hole ... they lost 10k customers ... when 10k customers lost their data. And an exec died in a suspicious car accident !!
- has strange name, not rememberable
- Last november, company (shell) decided to go open source.
- this is all gossip!?
* management software has 2 bugs known,
(1) security advice from company; old Apache or lite http, config blows up.
(2) some little bugs in interface.
* all servers currently have same IP# + dns,
* on the bench at MatthiasOliverHauptBahnHof.
* have put in users through this management interface.
- (manages SSH access, etc)
* next: put in domains, lists, etc through management interface
- (all this is sonance stuff)
* once the Sonance parts are built out, we'll pull bonanza
- (Bonanaza is the A machine, Muppet is the B machine.)
* rebuild bonanza ... same plan, debian / centos layering.
* then replicate the VMs over glusterFS over 1Tb partitions on both.
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
- vienna #1 progress, Ian G, 01/21/2010
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