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cacert-sysadm - Minimalist hosting agreement

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Minimalist hosting agreement

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Ian G <iang AT>
  • To: CAcert System Administrators <cacert-sysadm AT>
  • Cc: CAcert Board <cacert-board AT>
  • Subject: Minimalist hosting agreement
  • Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:28:51 +1000
  • Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.i= AT; dkim-asp=none

Many have asked about a simple agreement for providing a machine to CAcert. Given all the previous experience and thoughts, I've scratched out this one. Any comments?

This shouldn't be read as a replacement for Oophaga or other "heavy-weight" efforts such as recently seen. It is mostly the minimum, a "light-weight" offer for other situations like Sonance, the German test machine and similar. It assumes that the hosting party is a community member.



    *Minimalist hosting service and sponsorship agreement*

1. this agreement is between you, an Assurer or Assured Organisation of CAcert Community, and CAcert Inc, representing the Community.

2. you agree to supply the service for CAcert's Community purposes, as described in A. below.

3. you will:
  a. provide initial install.
  b. operate as a sysadm-in-reserve at the host level for restarting,
c. provide information and assistance for security and access by our sysadms.

4. CAcert's sysadms will manage the VMs, applications and backups. You are encouraged to participate.

5. In exchange for service, CAcert will distribute a standard logo + link on CAcert's main site, subject to mutual approval.

7. This agreement is for 2 years, with automatic one monthly extensions thereafter. Either may terminate this agreement with one month's notice.

8. As this is a Community project, we agree to refer all disputes arising out of or in connection to this agreement to a single CAcert Arbitrator under the rules of DRP.


A.  Machine to be configured as:

A.1 host machine of sufficient capability to mount many VMs, with sufficient IP#s.
 A.2 a machine configurable as a test machine.
 A.3 OR?

Fire away!

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