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cacert-sysadm - apache2 config difference secure.c.o/lists.c.o

cacert-sysadm AT

Subject: CAcert System Admins discussion list

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apache2 config difference secure.c.o/lists.c.o

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Andre Klärner <kandre AT>
  • To: cacert-sysadm AT
  • Subject: apache2 config difference secure.c.o/lists.c.o
  • Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 02:52:39 +0200

Hi fellow sysadmins,

can someone explain to me why the certificate login on
works with an Android 4.3 device while the login doesn't?

I tried both with the same certificate, the same browser (Chrome on
Android) and the same Android, just seconds one from each other, but the
request on fails with the usual "cannot negotiate ssl…"
while the login on Sympha works perfectly (actually I discovered that by in
a routine just clicking on the cert while following an archive link and
tried the cert logon on just to test it out).

Kind regards,

Andre Klärner
prospective CAcert Organisation Assurer

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